More About Me

My fascination of old houses and the neighborhoods they inhabit started when I purchased my first home at age twenty two, and still today as an owner and partner of Realty Trust Group. Living in NE Portland since I was 13. I know its neighborhoods like a backyard playground and have become an expert in their dynamics. I often know of properties before they hit the open market.

I am sure my friendly approachable manner was influenced by, growing up my first 13 years in "The Pea Capital of the World", aka Milton-Freewater town of 5000. I am a chameleon who can feel as comfortable in jeans & cowboy boots as a suit and pearls.

How can I help you?

Fun facts

Realty Trust Group, Inc. - Owner/Partner/Principal Broker
Licensed agent since 1984
Oregon State University & Kappa Alpha Theta Alum
GRI Designation (Graduate of Realtors Institute)
Windermere's Sally Walters Memorial award based on exceptional service to clients & fellow realtors
President Elect - 2008 Million Dollar Club - Diamond/Platinum Member Million Dollar Club, consistent top producer
2007 HGTV's Portland Ambassador for the filming of - National Open House
I married my high school sweetheart in 1975 & in spite of being a Realtor am still happily married
I love life, laughter, and having fun!